Do All Engineers Have Talking Frogs?

KSU MotorsportsThe gang interviews Steven Tubbs from Kennesaw University’s Formula SAE Team, a co-ed team of students who secure funding for, engineer, design, build, and race a small formula style car in intercollegiate competition. We find out what roles there are for team members getting degrees in engineering, whether is is mechanical, aerospace, electronic or materials, as well as those getting degrees in accounting, business, marketing and management. Graduates who participate in Formula SAE strengthen their skill set and, much like an internship, can help blaze a path to getting a job in their field of choice, which can be anything from working for auto manufacturers, or even for professional race teams in Formula 1, IndyCar, IMSA and NASCAR, plus work in non-automotive fields. We find out how to test race car aerodynamics using a Ford F350, when and when not to use A.I., and how the team members gain skills in team building, leadership training and giving presentations. Unfortunately, Trivia Czar Tim couldn’t join this episode as he was fulfilling his Papal Nuncio duties.

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Mickey confesses Ford-lust, but it wasn’t enough to entice our guest to show up. Misty shifts wet noodles trying to haul a loom across The Netherlands and learns what we all knew already: she won’t like any car as much as her MX-5. Cognitive issues going from one car to another has Ben using his wipers to signal turns, while Misty’s car has lady-humps to guide the way. Tim has the rational and historical perspectives as always, and we learn about the automotive origins of QR codes.

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Dave is abnormally normal, Mickey and Misty have power washer issues, and Ben may have had a close encounter with an airbag. Loxley Brown joins us to share all the news about the big things happening with Athena Racing, but not without giving Dawn an awkward moment of silence. Loxley’s big news is that her girls get to go to Indianapolis Motor Speedway and see how everything works behind the scenes and meet some drivers. Big props to DHL for making it happen! Athena Racing/Club Athena is an excellent STEM college-sprep program for girls that you should check out and support! They’re doing great things. We also discuss what foods we have in our cars’ gloveboxes.

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Nobody here but us cheeckens with Micky away on the west coast. Misty is still moist, Dave drives the Grand Trivia Auto, and Ben pretends to know how to host a podcast. Tim staggers in late as we discuss how to get us all over to Paris for the big international hot-dang auto show next year. Those aren’t pillows! Which of us speaks the worst French? How much escargot can we eat in a Peugeot? Is it equipped with a steinschlagschutzhulle?

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Our guest no-shows, so the panel goes on a Corvette-conversational-out-of-body experience.

Where did the GM “bow tie” logo come from? When was the first Corvette produced? What cities are home to Corvette assembly facilities? What city is the home to the most Corvettes? Mickey, Dawn, Misty, Ben and Dave longingly over Corvettes they have known and love. Misty continues to contemplate Claudette’s future.

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