We welcome Mike Pennington from Meguiar’s to talk about innovation in car care. Mickey is star struck and may have actually confessed to trade show larceny. Ben explains that it will take more than Meguiar’s to address some of the Yellotus’s cosmetic issues. A brief discussion of idiosyncratic European car enthusiasts leads to a conversation of first cars. We explore the role of fragrance in car care products, although Dave’s proposal for s’more scented car wax probably doesn’t have a future. And, we learn what it’s illegal to do while driving in Alabama.

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We welcome our new friend who’s name may-or-may-not be Sohan to talk about his thoughts on EVs and the impact they will have on enthusiast motoring in the future. Dawn on the Autobahn tackles numerology in the world of cars and road-tripping, and Amanda has great advice for how to leverage OCD to detect credit card fraud. What’s Grinding Mickey’s Gears this week? (Besides his nun issues, that is.) Drivers who get indignant over horns honked in self defense. In listener mail, Robert Drake asks for advice on how to find the best tow-truck when you don’t have AAA. And, Dave challenges us with road trip trivia about who made the first cross country road trip in the USA and when?

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We welcome our new friend (whose name may-or-may-not be Sohan) to talk about his thoughts on EVs and the impact they will have on enthusiast motoring in the future. Dawn on the Autobahn tackles numerology in the world of cars and road-tripping, and Amanda has great advice for how to leverage OCD to detect credit card fraud. What’s Grinding Mickey’s Gears this week? (Besides his nun issues, that is.) Drivers who get indignant over horns honked in self defense. In listener mail, Robert Drake asks for advice on how to find the best tow-truck when you don’t have AAA. And, Dave challenges us with road trip trivia about who made the first cross country road trip in the USA and when?

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website.

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On Valentine’s Day, we welcomed Mary Williams to discuss the role of the “art car” in Culture Collision, and her Nissan Frontier’s evolution into an homage to Damian Hirst. Our friend Cathy Poley joins us to tell her worst car story, the death of a Chevy Caprice known as the Flying Nunmobile. Ben Takes a Moment to appreciate the humble snow plow. And we learn what was the reasoning behind the name “Olds 442.” #artcarmuseum #grittertracker

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On Valentine’s Day, we welcomed Mary Williams to discuss the role of the “art car” in Culture Collision, and her Nissan Frontier’s evolution into an homage to Damian Hirst. Our friend Cathy Poley joins us to tell her worst car story, the death of a Chevy Caprice known as the Flying Nunmobile. Ben Takes a Moment to appreciate the humble snow plow. And we learn what was the reasoning behind the name “Olds 442.” #artcarmuseum #grittertracker

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website.

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