TTAC welcomes special guest: Dave Paule. Beka pours her Jeep woes out to Dave. Dave feels threatened by the new Bronco. Mickey walks the gang through a few British driving exam questions and all of the Georgia DMV questions. And Dave asks: Why isn’t there an EV Convertible?

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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TTAC welcomes special guest: Dave Paule. Beka pours her Jeep woes out to Dave. Dave feels threatened by the new Bronco. Mickey walks the gang through a few British driving exam questions and all of the Georgia DMV questions. And Dave asks: Why isn’t there an EV Convertible?

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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This week, the gang talks about telemarketers selling extended warranties. (And why extended warranties may or may not be worth it.) Mickey slips a mental gear. Beka says her Jeep is exhibiting some ominous symptoms. Dawn says she loves test-driving cars. Have you ever heard of putting extra borax in your oil? And why is the Jawa Sandcrawler the only vehicle in Star Wars that has wheels?

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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This week, the gang talks about telemarketers selling extended warranties. (And why extended warranties may or may not be worth it.) Mickey slips a mental gear. Beka says her Jeep is exhibiting some ominous symptoms. Dawn says she loves test-driving cars. Have you ever heard of putting extra borax in your oil? And why is the Jawa Sandcrawler the only vehicle in Star Wars that has wheels?

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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Ladies and Gentlemen, we present the Class of 2021! We discuss two members in particular: the Mustang Mach-E and the Tesla Cybertruck. Also, Android Auto now for motorcycles; the big Ford countdown; and Grand Trivia Auto! Do you have a question that you think would be good for trivia? Submit it to us!

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website.

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