Dawn has had one of those weeks where all she wants to do is escape in her vehicle with no plan in mind… There was a listener response to the “botulism in the oil cans” clip we shared in a prior episode. Dave digs into the subject of midlife crisis cars. Dawn waxes desirous over an older Porsche (and wants it for her birthday). A listener wants to know how television does an entire car rehab job in seven days. Mickey says you should never buy someone else’s project car.

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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Ben and Mickey do a special episode. We talk about Vespa, Style and Passion, a book sent to us by our friends at Quarto Knows publishers. The conversation turns to the general world of scooters. Mickey bemoans a couple of un-loved BMWs in his parking lot, and Ben bemoans a seller’s poor treatment of a second-generation Camaro.

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website.

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Ben and Mickey do a special episode. We talk about Vespa, Style and Passion, a book sent to us by our friends at Quarto Knows publishers. The conversation turns to the general world of scooters. Mickey bemoans a couple of un-loved BMWs in his parking lot, and Ben bemoans a seller’s poor treatment of a second-generation Camaro.

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website.

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Mickey just had to share this clip of a recording (made before pandemic) of his friend Clair talking about her experiences buying oil for her first car.

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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Mickey just had to share this clip of a recording (made before pandemic) of his friend Clair talking about her experiences buying oil for her first car.

We welcome your support via Patreon and your questions and feedback via our website. TTAC records at Strongbox West, in Atlanta.

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